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Tom Hanks’ bitter balance: “I’ve only made four good films in my career.”

The confession sparked a debate about which titles-in more than 40 years of his career-comprise this paltry list.

After Elvis and Pinocchio and the 1883 series, Tom Hanks is preparing to launch his first novel next year. A diversification of talents in a very long career in which since the 1980s he has been one of the most significant actors of our time with more than 50 films. An enviable number, the reading of which, however, does not seem to arouse any pride in the actor. Who, regarding the quality of his own work, has stated that only four of his films are really good. Causing fans and cinephiles to squint.

Tom Hanks and the critical assessment of his own work

A statement, made to People, that left one precisely astonished. Tom Hanks, Oscar for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump, star of films now in film history, considers most of his own work mediocre, not excellent, passable.

"I've made a lot of films. Four of them I think are pretty good." A line set in a larger context, but enough in itself to make the rounds and ignite curiosity. What are the best films in which Tom Hanks has starred?

Unfortunately, the 66-year-old California actor did not add details, so it is not known which ones he was referring to. Certainly, his filmography is so vast that it is almost impossible to rank the best films. In more than four decades of his career, he has ranged from comedy to drama, with the nonchalance that only actors with a capital a possess.

From Philadelphia to Forrest Gump, over 40 years of success.

After the 1980s comedies Splash and Big, the 1990s saw him star in romantic comedies, dramas, and committed films. Among them were Winning Girls, Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, There's Mail for You, and The Green Mile. It was an intense decade, kicking off another tranche of successful titles. In the 2000s, it was the turn of Cast Away, Try and Catch Me, The Terminal, The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, to name a few.

In recent years, he has starred in The Bridge of Spies, Inferno, The Post, up to Elvis and Pinocchio. Each of these films has the elements to be considered a fine film. Unfortunately, however, Hanks does not come clean and leaves the answer to the collective imagination. There is to be said that, in the People interview, the actor's statement is a bit broader than the quotation mark that has struck a chord with movie buffs and fans.

"I've made so many films (and four of them I think are pretty good) and I'm still fascinated by how films come about. From the spark of an idea to the images on the screen, the whole process is a miracle," he said. "Making a film," he continued, "is a very heavy job, taking a long time, made up of so many moments of joy, which clash with an equal number of negative feelings. It is the most beautiful work in the world and, at the same time, the most confusing."

Tom Hanks at work on the book due out in May 2023

This vision, stark and devoid of romance, underlies The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece, his first novel, due out May 9, 2023. At the heart of the story is the construction of a multimillion-dollar, star-studded action, superhero colossal and a snapshot of the changes in American culture from World War II to the present.

In writing the book, Tom Hanks was inspired by what he experienced and learned on set in his more than 40-year career, from the funniest moments to the mistakes he made. "Each character does something I learned from making a movie," the actor explains. The novel will be set through several decades. It starts in 1947, when a soldier returns from the war and causes a strong impact on the mind of his five-year-old grandson.

As he grows up, the child develops a talent for comic books and in 1970 creates a character inspired by his uncle. After that, the scene shifts to the present. A director to adapt the comic book into a big-budget superhero movie. The novel's protagonists are an extremely difficult actor and a wonderful actress, who are joined by an eccentric director and a sui generis crew. With The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece Tom Hanks returns to writing after his 2017 debut with the short story collection Uncommon Types.

Written by Michael Zippo

Michael Zippo, passionate Webmaster and Publisher, stands out for his versatility in online dissemination. Through his blog, he explores topics ranging from celebrity net worth to business dynamics, the economy, and developments in IT and programming. His professional presence on LinkedIn - - is a reflection of his dedication to the industry, while managing platforms such as EmergeSocial.NET and highlights his expertise in creating informative and timely content. Involved in significant projects such as, Michael offers a unique experience in the digital world, inviting the public to explore the many facets online with him.


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