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Sharon Stone: This is what the actress says about sexism in Hollywood

Sharon Stone: This is what the actress says about sexism in Hollywood

Sharon Stone talks about sexism in Hollywood after her appearance with Sam Smith on "Saturday Night Life" – and about who is the exception to the rule.

It shouldn't surprise you, and yet it keeps coming out of seemingly nowhere: sexism in Hollywood. This time it's Sharon Stone opening up in an interview to Variety magazine. The interview follows her performance with Sam Smith on "Saturday Night Life", described by many as "transcendent" and surreal – in a positive way. Sharon Stone explains that she directed her performance entirely herself and was inspired by a positive encounter with director and actor George C. Scott

But she also tells us that her experiences in Hollywood were not always so positive and that she had to work with many sexist and misogynistic directors and actors – even though often nobody wants to hear that. Because she is "not the most popular actress because people don't want to hear [her], as they say, f*cking opinions." But Sharon Stone expresses her opinion anyway. 

Sharon Stone tells of years of sexism experienced in Hollywood – with two exceptions 

Actress Sharon Stone, best known for her role in "Basic Instinct" in 1992, has never hidden her opinions and experiences about sexism in Hollywood. In her memoir "The Beauty of Living Twice", for example, she describes how she was tricked by the director in "Basic Instinct" into taking off her pants in that one famous scene. "That's how I first saw the scene of my vagina," the actress reveals in her biography, "long after I was told 'You don't see anything. I just want you to take your panties off because the white [of the panties] reflects the light and you can see you have some on.'" 

In her interview with Variety, she now talks about the sexist and misogynistic co-stars she has had to deal with in the past. "I've worked with the biggest stars in the industry who really just talk over me during a close-up and tell me what they think I need to do." She describes the behaviour of her co-stars as misogynistic or misogynistic. 

There are a few exceptions to this rule, Sharon Stone explains – Sam Smith and George C. Scott, for example, are among these exceptions. In addition, she also definitely does not talk about her co-stars in "Casino". She says, "That doesn't apply to Robert De Niro and it doesn't apply to Joe Pesci." She doesn't mention any other names that have really misogynised her, but goes on to explain how it made her feel. "They just don't listen to me and they don't allow me to influence their performance with mine. That's not good acting."

Sharon Stone on "mansplaining" and typecasting in Hollywood

Furthermore, some women will probably share Sharon Stone's experience, in terms of mansplaining. This means when a man explains something to a woman (usually in a condescending way) that she already (obviously) knew. Absolutely disrespectful to Sharon Stone is when her colleagues don't listen to her and then also talk loudly while she is filming her scene. "I mean, sure, I understand that you're super, and everybody thinks you're just wonderful," Sharon Stone continues. But she also explains how to work better together as actors:ins and as people: "Listening and really being present in those little moments […]." 

She tried to implement this listening also in her performance during Sam Smith's performance. While the choir around Sam Smith sings "Gloria", the title track of Sam Smith's fourth solo album, Sharon Stone lies completely motionless on a divan for over a minute. Only when Sam Smith begins to sing does she sit up and seem to focus on something in the distance, something that scares her, saddens her and admires her at the same time. At last she looks into the camera with tears in her eyes and seems to accept something. 

Sharon Stone also tells Variety in an interview that she would love to play such vulnerable roles, unlike the psychosexual femme fatale she is so often cast for. "I get called when it comes to taking my clothes off and playing sociopathic characters," she reports. This kind of typecasting and pigeonholing is a sexist practice that has been prevalent in Hollywood, especially in the past. "I came into the world looking like a Barbie, so it's hard for people to give me the opportunity to be something else," Sharon Stone concludes her thoughts. We look forward to seeing if she gets any other role offers after her performance with Sam Smith. We would wish it on her. 

Written by Michael Zippo

Michael Zippo, passionate Webmaster and Publisher, stands out for his versatility in online dissemination. Through his blog, he explores topics ranging from celebrity net worth to business dynamics, the economy, and developments in IT and programming. His professional presence on LinkedIn - - is a reflection of his dedication to the industry, while managing platforms such as EmergeSocial.NET and highlights his expertise in creating informative and timely content. Involved in significant projects such as, Michael offers a unique experience in the digital world, inviting the public to explore the many facets online with him.


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