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How a Technical Team Lead Can Elevate Your Startup

How a Technical Team Lead Can Elevate Your Startup

These days, successful marketing is not everything. Proof of this is the thousands of projects that fail every year. There can be many reasons for this, from lack of funding to lack of target audience. Moreover, sometimes, the number of challenges is so large that it seems impossible to foresee them all and find ways to overcome them. However, we know the solution to this comprehensive problem – this will be discussed below.

What Is This Solution?

As practice shows, the main mistake of teams that are involved in the implementation of a project without a sustainable business model is not a lack of skills in a specific niche or even disagreement with investors – they simply see point A from which their work begins and point B in which they are fabulously rich. However, what lies between these points – what exactly are the steps – they do not have a clear understanding of this.

This is precisely why C-level specialists exist. Namely, if we are talking about software startup creation, it will be extremely useful to hire another expert for the team – the Chief Technology Officer as a part of software design services. Let’s see what advantages this team expansion provides.

Vision of the project roadmap

This specialist, like no one else, thanks to their extensive expertise and analytical and organizational qualities, always has a clearer idea of what sub-stages the process of software development for startups should be divided into. Indeed, quite often, technical teams focus on their skills, which becomes a serious limitation in the choice of tools for implementing a digital solution. This becomes a serious obstacle to its success.

Synchronizing business goals with the technology stack

If we add to the lack of a sustainable business model the misunderstanding of what technologies should be used in your startup software, we will get an extremely unstable solution that is unlikely to attract a large audience for a long time; in turn, a technical lead with the appropriate skills will take on the second component, which will most likely provoke the stability of the first.

Improving the technical skills of the team

Sometimes, after agreeing on the technical stack, it becomes clear that some team members do not have sufficient expertise. This is something that an experienced CTO who has become the lead of your startup product development process will also help you with. Thus, a decision will be made either to hire new specialists or to promptly train existing ones.

Presentation of the project to investors

Often, only a person who has a full vision of how a specific startup development technology can benefit a specific business niche can understand the attractiveness of a project through the eyes of investors. You can also delegate this task to your technical lead.

Technical interview with new team members

Finally, as your startup software development path changes and you need new team members, your CTO can conduct interviews with candidates by testing them for the skills they need to complete the startup successfully.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a software development startup specialist who will embody all of the above advantages but, at the same time, the budget and deadlines are not in your favor, consider hiring a virtual CTO who will work with your software for startups remotely but will bring you all the same benefits as an in-office employee. If this model of cooperation suits you, feel free to contact us, and we will provide you with an advanced pro, hard-skilled in your area.

Written by Michael Zippo

Michael Zippo, passionate Webmaster and Publisher, stands out for his versatility in online dissemination. Through his blog, he explores topics ranging from celebrity net worth to business dynamics, the economy, and developments in IT and programming. His professional presence on LinkedIn - - is a reflection of his dedication to the industry, while managing platforms such as EmergeSocial.NET and highlights his expertise in creating informative and timely content. Involved in significant projects such as, Michael offers a unique experience in the digital world, inviting the public to explore the many facets online with him.


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