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Emmanuelle Seigner, Roman Polanski’s reckless defense: “Women were lining up for him.”

In an interview that raised a fuss, the actress spoke about the charges hanging over the director's head.

Five years after #MeToo the cinema is shaken by new statements, not of accusation but of defense. Those of Emanuelle Seigner (56) for her husband Roman Polanski (now 89) – eternal monster escapee from US prison.

Roman Polanski, wife Emmanuelle Seigner's defense.

In an interview with the program Sept à huit, broadcast on the French channel TF1, Emmanuelle stated that: "When I met my husband, all the women wanted to sleep with him. It was a crazy, crazy thing. He was 52, he looked 30, he was a great director, so he was very attractive, and I don't think he needed to rape anyone."

Strong statements meant to rehabilitate the director and, at the same time, scale back the charges hanging over his head. It was 1977 when Roman Polanski was accused of rape after consummating sexual intercourse with Samantha Geimer. At the time, the girl was 13 years and 11 months old. Polanski is convicted of committing an unlawful act, but not rape, and receives a sentence of 90 days in jail.

After 42 days in jail, he is released early on parole. After that, he fled to London and from there to Paris, since being a French citizen since 1975, he could not be extradited to the United States. Since then, he has not returned overseas or traveled to countries that might authorize his extradition.

The reopening of the trial

Although he is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, his image is tarnished by major shadows that punctually return. The latest of these concerns the reopening of the trial against Geimer on July 19, 2022. The return on the case stems from the discovery of a new piece of evidence. According to the prosecution, the trial judge would allow him freedom in exchange for admitting part of the guilt.

Regarding the interview, this is the first time Emmanuelle Seigner has spoken publicly about the sexual assault allegations hanging over Polanski. She chooses to do so on the eve of the October 26 release of her book, Une vie incendiée, in which she tells her truth. A truth that comes after more than 30 years of life spent together. They have been married, in fact, since 1989 and have two children, Morgane and Elvis.

"The man I live with is not at all the person they want to make him out to be. He is a good husband and a very good father," she points out in the interview. On fleeing the United States, she says she understands her action because the process "was terrifying and unfair." The part, however, that has raised the ire of feminists and others and made the rounds around the world concerns statements about women who dated Polanski.

"It was a different era."

In 1977 Samantha Geimer was 13, Polanski 43. "She was very young, but she already had a sex life. She had a boyfriend and she told Roman that she occasionally took drugs, as they also did that day." Seigner's argument inclines, therefore, toward a consensual relationship. On the important age difference, the 56-year-old actress adds, "We don't have to look up to that era, but that's how it was."

Words that immediately drew copious criticism. When the reporter asked her what she thought of #MeToo, she replied, "I think it has produced many positive effects. It is very important that women who are victims of violence can speak out and be heard," she says. Nevertheless, according to the actress we are seeing "a drift, an abuse," which could discredit the victims themselves "and that's a shame." Finally, when asked: have you ever thought of leaving your husband?, she replies, "I have no reason to leave him. He has always been lovely to me and my family."

Written by Michael Zippo

Michael Zippo, passionate Webmaster and Publisher, stands out for his versatility in online dissemination. Through his blog, he explores topics ranging from celebrity net worth to business dynamics, the economy, and developments in IT and programming. His professional presence on LinkedIn - - is a reflection of his dedication to the industry, while managing platforms such as EmergeSocial.NET and highlights his expertise in creating informative and timely content. Involved in significant projects such as, Michael offers a unique experience in the digital world, inviting the public to explore the many facets online with him.


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