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Bryce Dallas Howard reveals she was told to lose weight before “Jurassic World 3”

Jurassic World star Bryce Dallas Howard has revealed that the production studios asked her to lose weight before the filming of the third part of the saga began. 

In the family of dinosaurs, there are the T-rex and the Hollywood studios. The actress Bryce Dallas Howard revealed that she was ordered by the production teams to lose weight before shooting the third installment of the Jurassic World saga. "If I had been on a diet, I would have had much less strength to perform the action and stunt scenes,"  she told Metro UK.

The star then pointed out that Colin Trevorrow, the film's director, defended her against the relentless demands of studio representatives. "On the third film, there were a lot of female characters. And Colin firmly protected me in the face of the conversation about my weight that constantly came to the forefront of the table," confides the 41-year-old actress. In her words, the director's argument was, "There are a lot of different women on the planet, so there are a lot of different women in our movie." The interpreter of the ultra-dynamic character of Claire Dearing says she is "very excited" about all the stunts she was able to do "with this body" that was "at the top of its game."

A considerable difference in salary with Chris Pratt

After the injunction to lose weight, Bryce Dallas Howard returned to another injustice that women in Hollywood are victims: the differences in salary. The actress had already discussed the subject with Insider in August. "When I started negotiating for the saga, it was in 2014. It was a different world and I was at a real disadvantage. And unfortunately, I had to sign on for three films, so the contract is already sealed." 

In 2018, Variety reported that the actress was paid $ 8 million for the second installment of the saga, $ 2 million less than her co-star Chris Pratt. A figure that today makes Bryce Dallas Howard nervously laugh: "What's interesting about this article is that I was even paid much less than the figures announced. A lot less." Without specifying a figure, she says she discussed the subject with Chris Pratt, who then allegedly lobbied for equal pay at other franchises. 

Written by Michael Zippo

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